PLEASE NOTE: Because this comma quiz requires a working understanding of many aspects of grammar, some may find it especially challenging. Additional research may be needed. Consider each answer carefully. One or more commas may be needed in the sample sentences.
For this quiz, the purposes of commas are limited to the following reasons. Make sure you understand each of the following:
- The comma connects two independent clauses (alongside a conjunction, to form a compound sentence).
- The comma separates items in a series (of three or more things).
- The comma sets off an introductory phrase (that isn’t the subject).
- The comma is used to separate coordinate adjectives, that modify the same noun, but are not joined by “and.”
- The comma sets off dialogue and quotations.
- The comma prevents misreading and avoids confusion that would otherwise ensue.
- The comma sets off nonessential additions to a sentence (e.g., parenthetical expressions).
- No comma is needed.
Writing Prompt! In a brief paragraph or two, respond to one of these questions.
- If you could talk with animals, which animals would you like to talk with? What would you talk about?
- What is one quality or characteristic you admire in others — that you struggle with (or don’t have)? What do you admire about it? Is it something you’re working to develop? Why or why not?