Personal Narrative Essay Readings

Below are links to four examples of published Personal Narrative Essays.

Please read at least two of the readings, then post a response on one of them that addresses specific areas where they succeeded (or failed) with the evaluative questions below.

Use specific examples to offer proof that your points are accurate. It is best to describe how the essay did or didn’t succeed, then offer a brief quotation that illustrates — and proves — your point.

In terms of length, the response should be a minimum of one page (250 words). Note that you do not need a “Works Cited” page for the course’s official readings.
Published Personal Narrative Essays

Questions to Evaluate the Essays

  1. Which specific ideas, words, phrases, or images struck you as particularly memorable and effective?
  2. Which specific things struck you as confusing or needing elaboration?
  3. Where does the writer use descriptions to show rather than tell? Where would more sensory description, dialogue, or detail help readers engage more with the narrative?
  4. As a reader, what do you want to hear more about?
  5. In your own words, what would you say the “idea” is of your peer’s essay?
  6. Is the idea significant and clear? Does it have a strong connection to the narrative? Does the reflection on the idea comprise at least 25% of the essay?
  7. What does this essay do especially well?
  8. What would you suggest to the author to improve this essay further?