Discuss the following questions in 250 words or more (double-spaced, MLA-formatted) as you reflect on your essay and writing:
- Briefly (in two to five sentences) explain your final essay.
- What do you hope to accomplish (what is your purpose) for writing this essay?
- Describe the revisions you made from first to final drafts and why you made those revisions.
- How does this assignment (or the whole course) connect with what you learned in another Gen Ed course?
- What impact did the assignment have on you or your understanding of the world? Did it challenge any of your assumptions?
- What challenges did you face in completing the assignment? How did you address them?
- Discuss anything else you would like readers of your portfolio to know about your writing or about yourself as a writer.
- Finally, being as honest with yourself as possible, evaluate your own essay. What grade would you give yourself? Explain.
NOTE: Be sure to write this paper in “essay format” — Not “question and answer” format.