Syllabus Quiz Edit


Quizzes in this course are “open note.” Please feel free to use your notes as a reference.

Assignments in this course are limited to three attempts. In this one, however, you must reach a perfect score before moving on, so you are allowed unlimited attempts.

Writing prompt! In a brief paragraph or two, respond to one of these questions.

  1. Imagine you have the ability to teleport anywhere. Where would you go and why?
  2. If you were stranded on a deserted island, and cut off from the Internet and the outside world, what book, music album, game, or video would you like to have with you? Pick one of each and explain why.

Which of these describes what a syllabus is for?

Acts as a contract for the course.

All of these answers.

Is a roadmap to guide students through the course.

Offers info on assignments, due dates, and grading criteria.

Outlines course policies, including academic integrity.

Describes course requirements, objectives, and expectations.


What final grade must you reach to pass the course for GE credit?

B- or higher

A- or higher

C- or higher

D- or higher


How did the video briefing describe the focus of English Composition I?

Focused on grammar and vocabulary.

Focused on writing and rewriting using drafts and revisions.

Focused on literature (novels, creative nonfiction, short stories, poems, and dramas).


True or False: I may submit old writing for the assignments in this course, or writing from other courses, as long as I wrote them myself.


Aside from failing the assignment and/or the course, the syllabus video offered a specific reason why plagiarism is particularly counterproductive (which the video said to take note of).

Aside from avoiding plagiarism, properly citing a source is a good way to get great scores.

Learning the skills in the class is more important than your grade, and plagiarizing hinders that learning.

Completing your own work is not just an obligation to the college, but also a moral responsibility.


Which formatting style do all attachments in the course need to follow?

All of these answers.









True or False: According to federal law, FERPA, my instructor can only discuss my grades and performance with me, my parents or guardian, and college administrators overseeing the course.


True or False: The course must be completed in order, as listed in the syllabus. If I skip to a later unit, then unfinished assignments in previous units will automatically be assigned zero points.


True or False: Unless noted otherwise, assignments may be attempted up to three times.


True or False: Students must earn a passing score on the major assignments in order to pass the course.


True or False: For uploaded files, it’s best if I save them with cryptic or generic filenames, for privacy’s sake.


What file formats are accepted for uploading in the course?

All of these answers.

.pages or .indd

.doc or .gdoc

.txt or .rtf

.pdf, .doc, or .docx


True or False: While work from the final unit may be submitted up until the last day of the course, work from all earlier units is due one week earlier.


True or False: The course is designed so that students may work through their other courses first, one at a time, and save the best — this course! — for last, during the last 3-4 weeks of the semester.