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NOTE: Since this is one of six major assignments in this course, all students must submit this assignment at least once to pass the course.


For this assignment, you will include an MLA-style citation, a paragraph break, and then the annotated evaluation of the source. After another paragraph break, the next citation will follow, then a paragraph break, then its annotations, and so on.

Annotated bibliographies — which include citations of research sources that are accompanied by a summary, an assessment, and a reflection on the source — are extremely useful to the research process. They allow us to organize our research and get a firm grip on the beneficial information the sources provide and in what ways that information helps us.

They are also a great way to share research information, and by writing one, you will become better skilled at using others’ annotated bibliographies.

This assignment is a step toward your Issue Exploration Essay, so it is an ongoing assignment that you will be working with for the rest of the semester.

You must form a list of at least five research articles from peer-reviewed academic journals and cite them in MLA format (keep in mind that your Issue Exploration Essay will require seven to twelve sources).

After the citation, you will summarize (briefly explain the source and what information it provides), assess (evaluate the quality of the source and explain it; explain to what extent you agree/disagree with certain aspects of the source), and reflect upon (show how the source will help you with your research questions) the source. You will NEED to refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

  • Submit the attached assignment in .pdf format (or as a .doc)
  • View link to model Annotated Bibliography: Pupil – Annotated Bibliography – Example.pdf


  • Determine the value and relevance of your research sources
  • Determine the credibility of your sources
  • Practice proper MLA citations
  • Practice writing toward a specific audience
  • Practice writing to convey information clearly in an appropriate, straight-forward manner


  • Quality of your summary, assessment, and reflection in your annotations
  • Reliability and relevance of your sources
  • Correctly cited citations
  • Proper use of grammar, mechanics, and writing style/tone — particularly focused on clearly conveying sources’ information
  • Proper, consistent use of MLA format

Student Example: Pupil – Annotated Bibliography – Final 2.pdf