Congratulations on reaching this point in our course! You’ve gained valuable insights into the writing process, from prewriting to revision. Now, it’s time to put your skills to work on a comprehensive assignment.

This brief essay will include you writing and submitting several documents. The final essay should be at least 500 words long (the rule of thumb is 250 words is one “page” of double-spaced writing, so at least two pages long).

Please read the following instructions carefully and completely before you start working!


1.    Choose a Topic: Select a topic that genuinely interests you or one that aligns with your academic goals or future career. It could be related to your field of study, a personal passion, or a current issue. If you’re unsure, feel free to consult with your instructors for topic ideas.

2.    Prewriting: Conduct thorough prewriting for your essay. This includes brainstorming, researching, outlining, and considering your audience and purpose. Create a detailed prewriting document that outlines your ideas, arguments, potential sources, and a working thesis statement — the central idea you are exploring in your essay. This outline and other information will serve as the foundation for your essay. Submit this outline and notes with the rest of your assignment. 

3.    Drafting: Write a complete draft of your essay based on your prewriting. Your essay should have a clear introduction, well-structured body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Ensure that your thesis statement is evident and that each paragraph supports your argument. Submit this rough draft with the rest of your assignment. 

4.    Peer Review: Exchange your draft with a peer, family member, or friend for feedback. Provide specific instructions to your peer reviewer, asking them to focus on content, organization, and overall clarity. Take notes on their feedback (or their written feedback if they wrote it down for you) and submit this with the rest of your assignment. If you cannot find anyone to help you review your essay, contact your instructor via Messages, and they will offer a peer review of your rough draft.

5.    Self-Review and Revision: After receiving feedback from your peer, take time to review your own essay. Consider the feedback you’ve received and make necessary revisions. Pay attention to content, organization, sentence structure, and clarity. Ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one point to the next. Write a brief revision plan and submit it with the rest of your assignment. 

6.    Editing and Proofreading: Edit your essay for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style. Use the editing skills you’ve developed in this course to polish your work. Remember to read your essay aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or errors; there is no faster way to figure out what needs rewriting than to simply read it out loud, word for word. Submit your final version of the essay with the rest of your assignment.

7.    Reflection: Write a reflective essay (at least 100 words) that discusses your writing process. Submit this reflection with the rest of your assignment. Respond to each of the following questions:

  1. What challenges did you encounter during the drafting and revision process?
  2. How did peer review help you improve your essay?
  3. What specific changes did you make to your essay based on feedback?
  4. How has your writing improved over the course of this class?
  5. What do you still want to work on as a writer?

8.    Final Submission: Compile all your documents, including your prewriting, draft, peer review feedback, revised draft, and reflection, into one comprehensive submission, and submit them all below. If you submit multiple files, be sure to number and name the file something descriptive, e.g., “4 – Smith – peer review feedback.”

Grading Criteria

You will be assessed on the following:

  • Content and Organization (40 points): Is your essay well-structured, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion? Does it effectively convey your chosen topic and argument?
  • Revision and Editing (30 points): Have you made substantial revisions based on peer feedback? Is your essay free from major grammatical errors?
  • Prewriting and Reflection (20 points): Does your prewriting document demonstrate thoughtful planning and organization? Does your reflection provide insight into your writing process?
  • Peer Review Participation (10 points): Did you provide meaningful feedback to your peer reviewer, and did you incorporate their feedback into your revision?

Note: Remember that revision is an ongoing process, and your final submission should reflect your best efforts to improve your essay based on feedback and self-reflection.

Good luck with your essay, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructor for guidance during this assignment!