Following the instructions in the Issue Exploration Essay assignment description, post your revised draft — four or more pages, and a Works Cited page(s) — here.

This assignment may receive as much as two points:

  • If it receives zero points, or is sent back, it means the draft does not meet the minimum requirements. The draft will need further revisions — and to be resubmitted here — before moving on. Closely reviewing the unit’s videos and readings is also encouraged.
  • If it receives one point, it means the draft is written well enough to move forward. The draft may need significant revisions, however; pay close attention to any suggestions offered. (If you want more feedback on a future draft, you may request that the assignment be returned after it is scored.)
  • If it receives two points, it means the draft should pass (with 70% or greater) on the final version — if you successfully incorporate any pertinent suggestions in the feedback, and all other issues are corrected (not every problem may be commented on in feedback).

So, in summary, two points means the draft is strong; one point means the draft is good needs work, and zero points (or having it returned) means it needs to be rewritten and improved on for another draft before moving forward.

This draft will be graded on:

  • A completed draft, reaching the page minimum
  • Following the instructions, requirements, and guidelines in the assignment description adequately enough for a workshop draft

NOTE: After your submission here, your course instructor will review the draft and give you feedback to guide your revision for the final draft; you must use this feedback to write the upcoming “Revision Plan” and to make changes to your essay.

Assignment: Workshop Draft #2: Restaurant Review

Following the instructions in the Restaurant Restaurant Review Essay assignment description, post your first draft here.

This assignment may receive as much as two points:

  • If it receives zero points, or is sent back, it means the draft does not meet the minimum requirements. The draft will need further revisions — and to be resubmitted here — before moving on. Closely reviewing the unit’s videos and readings is also encouraged.
  • If it receives one point, it means the draft is written well enough to move forward. The draft may need significant revisions, however; pay close attention to any suggestions offered. (If you want more feedback on a future draft, you may request that the assignment be returned after it is scored.)
  • If it receives two points, it means the draft should pass (with 70% or greater) on the final version — if you successfully incorporate any pertinent suggestions in the feedback, and all other issues are corrected (not every problem may be commented on in feedback).

So, in summary, two points means the draft is strong; one point means the draft is good needs work, and zero points (or having it returned) means it needs to be rewritten and improved on for another draft before moving forward.

This draft will be graded on:

  • A completed draft, reaching the page minimum
  • Following the instructions, requirements, and guidelines in the assignment description adequately enough for a draft

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FINAL VERSION OF THE ISSUE EXPLORATION ESSAY Below are the overall instructions for the final version of your IEE, copied here for your convenience, so you don’t have to go find them elsewhere.




  • Write a paper that explores a debated issue (related to your major) from FOUR different perspectives.
  • After beginning the essay with a summary of the issue, discuss and compare and contrast four different stances on the issue.
  • Finally, end the essay with a description of your own personal perspective.


  • Five or more double-spaced pages (over 1,250 words) for the final version; four or more pages (at least 1,000 words) for the draft.
    • Note: There is no such thing as “too much writing” in this collegiate writing course!
  • Include at least seven research studies published in peer-reviewed academic journals.
    • Use the online databases to find at least seven peer-reviewed research studies in academic journals, cited in your IEE.
    • Other unimpeachable sources may be used to provide context (e.g., government statistics, “newspapers of record*”)
  • Follow MLA formatting guidelines:
    • MLA-styled citations throughout, with quotations from your research, alongside explanatory context
    • A properly MLA-formatted “Works Cited” page
    • In the heading, at top right, set up automated page numbers, with your last name, a space, and the page number
    • At top left, put your name, then your instructor’s name, the course name, and the CURRENT date
    • Center your title, in the same font, which should be descriptive and engaging (not “Assignment Name”)
    • Indent the first line of each paragraph
    • Works Cited page in MLA format
    • Underlined thesis statement
    • An appropriate title
    • If you aren’t sure how to set those up, there are thousands of “MLA How to…” tutorials online
  • Save the file name in this format: Your Last Name – Assignment Name – Draft (or Final)(1, 2, or 3…)
  • Submit the Issue Exploration Essay in .pdf format (or .doc/.docx)

*Newspapers of Record are those which are regarded as most reliable and in-depth with the highest editorial standards; they include the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal.


  • Learn how to conduct research
  • Learn how to better evaluate sources
  • Learn how to include sources in your writing with proper MLA citation
  • Explore an understanding of multiple perspectives on an issue or question
  • Practice summarizing a debate, including multiple, conflicting viewpoints
  • Analyze multiple viewpoints in an attempt to understand them

How the Essay is Graded

Consider whether your IEE answers these questions well:

  1. Does the summary of the issue provide an objective overview of the issue?
  2. Does it provide enough context for those unfamiliar with the debate to have a solid understanding of the issue?
  3. Does the first sentence invite the reader in effectively?
  4. What does the summary do especially well?
  5. What revisions would most improve the summary?

Four Viewpoints:

  1. Does each viewpoint include a summary/overview?
  2. Does each viewpoint include the integration of sources?
  3. Are the sources set up and discussed effectively?
  4. Is the essay considering the larger issue by considering each issue one at a time, or is it source-by-source*?
  5. Does each viewpoint also include an analysis, a discussion of implications, and/or a connection to the issue as a whole and other viewpoints?
  6. Is the discussion of the four viewpoints presented in an unbiased manner?
  7. What does this section of the paper do especially well?
  8. What revisions would most improve this section of the paper?

Personal Position:

  1. Is the personal position saved for the conclusion ONLY?
  2. Does your peer express his/her view of the issue effectively and clearly?
  3. What does this section of the paper do especially well?
  4. What revisions would most improve this section of the paper?

*Either approach is fine. While considering the viewpoints issue-by-issue may be more difficult, it is often more effective (refer to the studies by the author’s last name: “Smith reports that… Yet, in contrast, Jones states… Meanwhile, Brown’s studies found…”)