1) Using an MLA formatted citation, list your first five research sources.
- For help with MLA citations, see the Purdue OWL MLA section: (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_works_cited_page_basic_format.html).
- Although this assignment won’t grade the citations as strictly as the upcoming essays, be sure to give your best effort and ask questions to ensure you will have the citations correctly cited for the essays.
2) Then, evaluate each source according to the following criteria:
- Source: What type of source is it (scholarly journal article, popular journal article, website, newspaper article, blog post, book, etc…)? Is the source from a Snow College library database? Is the source reliable?
- Author: Who is the author (more than just their name)? What is the author’s background? What are the author’s qualifications?
- Bias: What particular biases do you detect? What accounts for these biases? Is the author forthcoming about his/her biases?
- Timeliness: How current is the source? Is the timeliness fitting for the topic of your paper?
- Evidence: What type of evidence is used? Where does the evidence come from?
Try to retrieve the DOI number and use that in your citation, as explained in the lesson at the start of this unit.
NOTE: Answering these questions will prepare you greatly for your upcoming Annotated Bibliography.