Reflection Readings


“Fairy tales are more than true:
not because they tell us that dragons exist,
but because they tell us that
dragons can be beaten.”
— Neil Gaiman

This is your final “readings” lesson. Throughout the course, you have studied Creative Nonfiction, Fictional Short Stories, Poetry, Drama, and the Novel, and have considered — through a variety of approaches to literary interpretation — several important thematic dichotomies you’ve used to examine the readings for this course.

For the thematic essays, you had to choose unique readings to write about. Now, you will choose from among them all to write one of three types of Final Essays.
Introduction to Literature Course Readings 

This assignment will require proper citations of the primary and secondary sources. The primary source is the creative text you’re analyzing or interpreting. Secondary sources are experts’ commentary on those sources, which you might cite to help explain and prove your points. You will need to search for FOUR experts’ opinions on the texts you choose — and quote, paraphrase, or summarize their findings to explain and prove your points.

Many of you already covered these topics in English Composition I and II, however, as a refresher, below is a listing of articles to help you refer to and cite them properly.

Please remember to take notes on all the readings and videos in the course, and use your notes to take a minute to review all your hard work, daily.

We’ve reached the end of our journey through literature.

In this final unit, it’s time to show what you’ve learned along the way.