When analyzing characters’ choices to conform or rebel, readers should focus most closely on:

The author’s biographical information

The use of symbols, allegories, and metaphors

The motives behind their actions

The color symbolism in the text


Which should you most closely examine to understand the conflicts arising from clashes between rebellion and conformity?

The characters’ physical appearances

The use of foreshadowing

The narrative point of view

The power dynamics at play


How can the theme of rebellion versus conformity impact a character’s sense of self?

By exploring their dreams and aspirations

Through the use of personification

By challenging their personal beliefs and values

By analyzing their dialogue and speech patterns


What should you most closely analyze to understand the societal expectations and values that characters either conform to or challenge?

The author’s writing style

The societal norms in the text

The characters’ physical appearances

The use of alliteration


Which of the following could be an important part of a Historical/Biographical interpretation of the classic television series, “Bewitched?”

Samantha was often struggled with demands from Darren and Endora, at the same time.

When divorce was on the rise nationally, the actress who played Samantha switched actor “husbands,” then did in real life.

Often, Darren was magically turned into things that represented his weaknesses.

The show often relied on folklore and old stories about witches, such as the Salem Witch Trials, with Samantha being sent back in time to the 1600s.


Which of these questions might be considered in a psychological interpretation of “Bewitched?”

How did the “magic” in “Bewitched” mirror women’s growing influence in American life and culture?

How did the show evolve over it’s eight seasons, in terms of its recurring plot elements?

Why are there so many apparent alcoholics in “Bewitched?”

How did Darren’s advertising career mirror the rise of mass media advertising in the 1960s?


In the readings, characters often waver between rebellion and conformity. They often act in both ways at once.

Describe an example, from the readings, of a character who is simultaneously acting rebellious — while also trying to strengthen or rally their family or social group, at the same time.


As discussed in the third video, in the book, Hit Lit: Cracking the Code of the Twentieth Century’s Biggest Bestsellers, James Hall (and his students) found that many bestsellers included “Hot Buttons” — issues that readers were concerned about at the time the bestsellers were published.

Describe an example, from the readings, where a “Hot Button” issue relates to the public’s concerns at the time — and the Love vs. Hate dichotomy.