D. Mental Health First Aid
16. Understanding Mental Health Crises
Question 1:
A key sign of a mental health crisis might be:
A. Persistent happiness and high energy levels
B. Sudden disinterest in favorite activities [Correct]
C. Regular attendance and participation in school
D. A consistent sleep schedule every night

Question 2:
Effective response to a suicidal individual involves:
A. Telling them to stay positive and forget their problems
B. Urgently seeking professional help or calling emergency services [Correct]
C. Leaving them alone to give space for self-reflection
D. Discouraging them from talking about their feelings

17. Providing Psychological First Aid
Question 3:
Psychological First Aid in emergencies includes:
A. Avoiding any conversation about the incident
B. Offering a calm presence and active listening [Correct]
C. Minimizing the person’s feelings to reduce stress
D. Providing detailed advice on long-term coping

Question 4:
During Psychological First Aid, it’s important to:
A. Immediately offer solutions and fix the problem
B. Reassure about safety and provide comfort [Correct]
C. Discuss detailed past traumatic experiences
D. Encourage rapid return to normal activities

18. Referral to Professional Help
Question 5:
When referring someone to mental health services:
A. Insist they handle it alone to build resilience
B. Provide information and support in seeking help [Correct]
C. Discourage professional help to avoid stigma
D. Share their situation publicly to find the best resources

Question 6:
A sign that someone might need professional help is:
A. Occasional feelings of sadness or stress
B. Expressing feelings of hopelessness consistently [Correct]
C. Choosing to spend some time alone
D. Experiencing a single night of poor sleep

19. Self-Care in Emergencies
Question 7:
An effective self-care strategy in emergencies is:
A. Keeping feelings to oneself to stay strong
B. Practicing deep breathing to manage stress [Correct]
C. Immediately resuming normal activities
D. Avoiding discussions about the event entirely

Question 8:
Post-emergency, it is important to:
A. Ignore any signs of stress or trauma
B. Engage in physical and emotional self-care [Correct]
C. Immediately return to work or school
D. Avoid talking about the incident with anyone

20. Mental Health First Aid Training
Question 9:
Mental Health First Aid Training teaches:
A. Only medical techniques like CPR
B. How to recognize and respond to mental health issues [Correct]
C. Ignoring mental health issues to avoid stigma
D. Diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders

Question 10:
Why encourage participation in MHFA training?
A. It replaces the need for professional mental health care
B. Fosters a supportive community for mental health issues [Correct]
C. Focuses only on self-diagnosis of mental conditions
D. Discourages sharing mental health struggles with others