Lesson: Basic Ecological Concepts – Ecosystems, Food Webs, and Trophic Levels


Ecology, as a field of study, emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, driven by biologists who sought to understand the interrelationships among organisms and their environments. The term ‘ecology’ was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1866, derived from the Greek words ‘oikos’ (home) and ‘logia’ (study of). Essentially, ecology seeks to understand the “home” in which organisms live. Over time, this science has grown, illuminating patterns and processes that govern life on Earth.

Detailed Content:

  1. Ecosystems:
    • Definition: An ecosystem comprises all the living organisms (biotic) in a particular area and the non-living (abiotic) components, such as soil, water, and air, with which they interact.
    • Components:
      • Biotic: Includes plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms.
      • Abiotic: Comprises elements like temperature, light, pH, soil, and nutrients.
    • Functioning: Energy flows and nutrients cycle within ecosystems. Solar energy, captured by plants through photosynthesis, fuels most ecosystems.
  2. Food Webs:
    • Definition: A food web is a diagram that depicts the many energy pathways in an ecosystem, representing who eats whom.
    • Components:
      • Primary Producers: Organisms that produce their own food, usually through photosynthesis, e.g., plants and certain algae.
      • Consumers: Organisms that feed on other living organisms. They are categorized based on their diet:
        • Herbivores: Eat plants.
        • Carnivores: Eat other animals.
        • Omnivores: Eat both plants and animals.
      • Decomposers: Break down dead organic material, returning vital nutrients to the ecosystem.
    • Importance: Food webs reveal the intricate interdependencies within ecosystems and help identify keystone species—those whose presence disproportionately affects the ecosystem’s health.
  3. Trophic Levels:
    • Definition: Trophic levels are hierarchical stages in a food chain, from primary producers up through the various consumers.
    • Levels:
      • 1st Level – Primary Producers: Usually plants that transform solar energy into food.
      • 2nd Level – Primary Consumers: Herbivores that consume primary producers.
      • 3rd Level – Secondary Consumers: Carnivores that eat herbivores.
      • 4th Level – Tertiary Consumers: Carnivores that eat other carnivores.
      • Top Predators: At the top of the food chain, having no predators of their own.
    • Energy Flow: As we move up trophic levels, only about 10% of the energy from one level is transferred to the next, leading to the pyramid shape of most energy pyramids.

Patterns and Trends:

As we analyze ecosystems globally, several patterns emerge:

  • Biodiversity: Diverse ecosystems, like rainforests, tend to be more resilient.
  • Biomass Decrease: As one moves up the trophic levels, there’s a decrease in biomass.
  • Keystone Species: The removal of a keystone species can cause a significant impact on the ecosystem.

Influential Figures or Works:

  • Aldo Leopold: Known as the father of wildlife ecology, his book “A Sand County Almanac” is a must-read for anyone interested in ecology.
  • Rachel Carson: Her groundbreaking book “Silent Spring” highlighted the dangers of pesticide use and helped shape modern environmentalism.


Understanding these basic ecological concepts is vital as they lay the foundation for grasping the intricate web of life on Earth. As environmental challenges increase, a firm grounding in these principles will aid in fostering sustainable solutions.

Further Reading & Activities:

  1. Documentaries: “Our Planet” narrated by David Attenborough offers visual insights into ecosystems globally.
  2. Activities: Consider building a small sustainable ecosystem or garden at home or in school, observing the food web and trophic levels in action.

The world of ecology is vast and intricate, offering insights into the beauty and complexity of life on Earth. This lesson provides a stepping stone into deeper exploration and understanding.