Lesson: Engaging Wider Audiences – Blogs, Podcasts, Social Media


Hello there, future science communicators! 🎙️🔬 As the digital age unfolds, the ways we share and consume science evolve too. From scrolling on social media to tuning into podcasts, audiences are diversifying their sources of information. Let’s dive into the dynamic world of digital science communication and explore how to capture hearts and minds through blogs, podcasts, and social media platforms.


Long ago, scientific discoveries were limited to scholarly journals and formal lectures. Only a select few had access. But with the rise of the internet and digital platforms, science is no longer confined to ivory towers. Everyone can share, discuss, and engage with scientific wonders, making it essential for us to communicate science effectively and appealingly.


  1. Why Digital Platforms?
    • Accessibility: No more hefty journal subscription fees! Science can reach anyone with internet access.
    • Interactivity: Comments, likes, shares – digital platforms are two-way streets. Audiences can now engage and participate.
    • Diversity of Voices: From students to seasoned scientists, everyone can share their perspectives.
  2. Blogs: Long-form Science Storytelling
    • Deep Dives: Blogs allow for comprehensive exploration, making complex topics digestible.
    • Personal Touch: Bloggers often add a personal spin, making science relatable.
    • Popular Platforms: WordPress, Medium, and Blogger are some places to start.
  3. Podcasts: Science in Your Ears
    • Convenience: Perfect for multitaskers! Learn while you jog, drive, or cook.
    • Variety of Formats: Interviews, stories, Q&A sessions – the auditory world is your oyster.
    • Getting Started: Platforms like Anchor or Podbean can help launch your podcasting journey.
  4. Social Media: Bite-Sized Science Snippets
    • Immediate Reach: Quick updates, latest discoveries, or debunking myths – social media is real-time science.
    • Visual Appeal: Infographics, GIFs, and short videos can make complex topics engaging.
    • Platforms to Explore: Twitter for quick updates, Instagram for visuals, and YouTube for detailed explanations.

Patterns and Trends:

  • Sci-Comm Influencers: Scientists are becoming online influencers, bridging the gap between academia and the public.
  • Interactive Live Sessions: Platforms like Twitch and Clubhouse are hosting live science talks and discussions.
  • Collaborations: Scientists are teaming up with artists, animators, and musicians to present science in novel ways.

Influential Figures or Works:

  • Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Astrophysicist and science communicator extraordinaire, known for his podcast “StarTalk” and his engaging Twitter presence.
  • Hank Green: YouTuber and one-half of the Vlogbrothers, he’s behind the educational YouTube channel “SciShow.”
  • Ed Yong: Science journalist whose blogs and articles have made waves in the world of science communication.

Your Turn!

Imagine you’ve just discovered a fascinating science fact. How would you share it on a blog, podcast, and a tweet? Sketch out your ideas!


In this digital age, the boundaries of the science classroom have expanded way beyond four walls. It’s a vibrant, interactive arena where stories of atoms and galaxies, of cells and ecosystems, come alive. As future science communicators, it’s up to you to ignite curiosity, one blog, podcast, or tweet at a time.